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Private Shopping Party

Sex Toy Party
Adelaide Sex Toy Party
One of the great things about sex toy parties is that you don’t need a special occasion to throw a party, a perfect way to learn about romantic goodies. 
Starting off with some fun and games, our consultant Fiona will teach you how to get exactly what you want in the bedroom. 
From solo play to toys you can use together, our range has everything you need to enhance your sex life. 
Take the opportunity to try, taste and feel our sensual range of lingerie, toys, lotions, potions and bath products. 
We have found such a wide range of ladies enjoy holding and attending sex toy parties. Aged from 18 – 65 +. We often find sex toy parties are organised for special occasions such as birthdays and hens night’s.
Call us at (08) 8522 4041 or message us at 0411275100.
Email: htadultstore@gmail.com